Wednesday 11 April 2007

Benjamin Zephaniah

If you want to read more poems by Benjamin Zephaniah, visit his website.

There is an open space for people to publish their poems and letters and he also suggests some tips on how to find your own rhythm ; he provides hints like this: “You know if you have rhythm or not, so if it don’t fit don’t force it. Forget the contract, forget your peers, and be honest. You must be able to look your writing in the face the next morning”.

by mardy1.

Just to see how popular his poems are have a look at these windows in Sheffield. Isn’t it amazing? Wouldn’t you like to have windows like these here in Buenos Aires? Which poet would you choose?

White Comedy: Glossary


Anonymous said...

i'm Renata!
I could enter to the blog!!
I'm trying to post but I don't know if I'm doing it right
I really like the blog
is very interesting
cu next tuesday

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Renata