Thursday, 23 August 2007


Just have a look at this! It's fascinating!

You can download this new Google Earth version here.

30-08-07 I should have said I first got to now about this in Cool Cat Teacher's blog. Well, I didn't. I'm thanking her now.


Anonymous said...

hi. im martin. my computer it's not so grate to get the new google earth and any google earth.


Gabriela Sellart said...

Martin, i'm sorry to hear that. I love google earth and i love watching the sky, too. well we cannot see many stars here in BA

Fraan said...

I currently exploring I mean, that is grat! I think is surprising! A big discovery. All of this, thanks to the internet!

gabrielaa. said...

dear namesake, you're doing a great job! kudos! & thanks!
(I'm Fran's mom)

Gabriela Sellart said...

when I first showed my husband's grandson (5 years old) google earth, he insisted on clicking in the space.And I explained: no just the earth. I haven't seen him yet, but now he'll be able to travel to the outer space!!!!