Wednesday 16 May 2007

People on the move

We've been talking about means of transport. You can find and exhaustive list if you have a look at this article.

It even lists the "jetpack". Do you know what it is? So, look at the photo. Would you like to come to school by jetpack?

How about this to come to school? The cycleskate.
You can see it in the Multimedia Fair of Inventions, there you can find some new inventions related to transport, (By the way, this is an Italian website, and some of you speak Italian, don’t you?) Anyway, there you can read and see a photo of the clycleskate, a mixture of a scooter and a skate.

And for those who love taxis. Would you try the “rickshaw”? It’s also called the "bugbug", pedicab, velotaxi, or trishaw and it’s very common in Asia.

Speaking about Asia, have a look at two photos below, they were taken in China. The first one could be a typical night image of Buenos Aires (two-wheeled version here). Notice the contrast with the magnetic train (not here in BA). Both means of transport coexist in the same place.

Heavy transport:

Originally uploaded by spectergeneral.

Magnetic Levitation Transport or Maglev (500 to 580 km/h):

Originally uploaded by bridgepix.


Anonymous said...

I think the jetpack is awesome!
but it would be really expenesive here and it seens a bit dangerous.
The rickshaw is bad for peolple´s bodies. They must carry a lot of weight.
The magnetic train looks great. But I don´t think that it will get to
Argentina soon.

bye.. MarĂ­a

Gabriela Sellart said...

I totally agree.

Awesome. I love that word.

Anonymous said...

i thinck jetpack is a fantastic transport and is faster than others transports. and i agree with maria in some aspects

i like the magnetic train it's somethig ecological and i like these type of transports

bye mary of argentina!!!!!

i like trabel